Intro to Administration of Justice CRMJ 1010-01 - Tulane University - Dr Wade D Schindler

This page contains links and supplement course material that may be useful to students enrolled in Dr. Wade Schindler's Introduction to Adminstration of Justice course at Tulane University.


Research Skills Development at Tulane University:

Research Workshops - Center for Library User Education

Finding Articles (1 hour)

Library in a Nutshell: Introduction to Your Library (1 hour)
Managing Your Research Materials (1 hour)
RefWorks (1-1/2 - 2 hours)

EndNote Basics (1-1/2 - 2 hours)


Research Consultation Request Form

Research assistance is available at the Research Help Desk. However, if you’re working on a complex research project you may benefit from a one-on-one Research Consultation where you can discuss your information needs with a librarian. Research Consultations can last from 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on your research needs.



Profiling Serial Killers PowerPoint Presentation

Female Psychopathic Serial Killers



Resources on the web:

Very handy general reference library.

Caseflow Chart of the American Criminal Justice System

Easybib: The Free Automatic Bibliography and Citation Maker

Federal Government Resources on the Net

Internet Public Library and Librarians’ Internet Index

Journalist’s Guide to the Internet

Library of Congress Subject Heading Index - Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology

National Institute of Justice - The research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice.

News Link

New York Times Newsroom Navigator

Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER)

Federal District, Appelate, and Bankruptcy Courts Only – Costs 8 cents per page for downloading – Actual Court Documents.

Marihuana, A Signal of Misunderstanding - Report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse - (aka Shaffer Commission Report)

Serial Murder: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives for Investigators

State and local Government Resources on the Net

Trutv Crime Library

Wikipedia list of serial killers by country

Do NOT cite Wikipedia as a source directly. Wikipedia is a vast information resource, but anyone can add, delete, or change information. The reliability of the site ranges from authoritative to reckless. However, Wikipedia is a good way to find other sources of information by tracking down its citations in the articles.


Supplemental Materials:

Dragnet - "The Big 17" - An episode of the the Dragnet police drama series that depicts a point of view that drug use, in this case, marijuana and heroin, leads to violent behavior. Los Angeles Police Chief W. H. Parker is credited as a technical advisor of the show. This video is included here to demonstrate the media's influence on drug policy. This in this sense, "the media" include all seven forms forms of mass communication: books, newspapers, magezines, radio, television, movies, and music recordings. Journalists and communications theorists generally do not consider the internet to be a seperate form of the media, but a combination of the other seven.


Academic articles concerning crime, deviant behavior and other criminal-justice matters.

Adult-Child Sexual Contact
Becoming a Marihuana (sic) User
Big Jails and Big Costs-The Individual and Collective Costs of Over-Incarceration in New Orleans
Convicted Rapists Vocabulary of Motive

Deviance as a Situated Phenomenon
Differential Association
Discriminatory Decision Making at the Legislative Level: An Analysis of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

Fingerprint Evidence - Sandy L Zabell - Professor of Statisticsand Mathematics - Northwestern University

Girls Crime and Womans Place
Illigitimate Means and Delinquient Cultures
Low Self-Control and Crime
Moral Entrepreneurs
Moral Passage
On Being Sane in Insane Places
On the Absence of Self-Control as the Basis for a General Theory of Crime
Primary and Secondary Deviance
Race, Class and the Development of Criminal Justice Policy
Shocking Numbers and Graphic Accounts - Orcutt-Turner

Social Structure and Anomie
Stigma and Identity

Does the CSI Effect Really Exist? Study of Juror Expectations and Demands Concerning Scientific Evidence 

Techniques of Neutralization

The Cost of Racial and Class Exclusion in the Inner City

The Police and the Black Male (Anderson)
The Racialization of Crime and Punishment (Brewer and Heitzeg)
The Social Construction of Drug Scares (Reinarman)
Who Pays the Price - Report on Indigent Defense


Journalistic articles concerning crime, deviant behavior and other criminal-justice matters.

Do Fingerprints Lie? - The gold standard of forensic evidence is now being challenged. - by Michael Specter - The New Yorker - 27 May 2002

The CSI Effect - On TV, it's all slam-dunk evidence and quick convictions. Now juries expect the same thing--and that's a big problem. - By Kit R. Roane and Dan Morrison - April 25, 2005 print edition of U.S. News & World Report.

The Myth of Fingerprints - Simon Cole - The New York Times - 13 May 2001


Unpublished research papers concerning crime, deviant behavior and other criminal-justice matters.

Detective Fiction: Progeny of Journalism

The Racialized Construction of Crime and Labeling of Criminals - David Cook