
War on the Drug War

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Saved by David E Cook
on August 30, 2010 at 4:51:37 pm

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This project began as a list of proposed book chapters. Some of the topics are too vague, some may be too narrow, and others may be better articulated another way or combined with other topics. This at least got both of us thinking.


Our goal is to review research on the social construction of substance addiction and the consequences of resulting social policies and treatment practices that is widely available in the academic discourse community. A well informed minority of researchers, especially among sociolgists, believe that the medicalization of alcoholism and drug abuse is an error ; however credible books written for a public audience about these new findings are few, and the public remains under an oppressive hegemony of drug-use and alcohol demonization that has a long history in the United States. While the rest of the industrialized world is beginning to act on the new research, and beginning to decriminalizing drug possession, the United States is managing to accomblish this is only in piecemeal fashion in individual states and communities, but the idea is not getting any traction on a national level.




Research Tasks


Task Status Codes (Copy and paste status code to applicable box:)





Deadline Item Who Status Date Completed 
[Date] Close reading of Encyclopedia Britannica article on "alcoholism" Billy and David IN PROGRESS  
Ongoing  Develop Chapter Summaries of Books Billy and David  NOT STARTED  
Ongoing  Small Research Papers  Billy and David  NOT STARTED   





Preliminary objectives of our research


This project began as a list of proposed book chapters. Some of the topics are too vague, some may be too narrow, and others may be better articulated another way or combined with other topics. This at least got both of us thinking.


  1. is it a disease?
  2. is it genetic?
  3. the history of the teetotalers
  4. the failure of abstinence
  5. the domestic consequences of the war on drugs
  6. the international consequences of the war on drugs
  7. the endogenous factors to addiction
  8. the exogenous factors to addiction
  9. the use of controlled drinking in therapy
  10. the use of harm reduction as public policy


Principal Investigators

          Undergraduate Student

          social policy and practice, and sociology

          Tulane University


          Freelance Investigative Journalist

          Undergraduate Student

          Englsh and sociology

          Tulane University

          (916) 912-0483




  • Background Research - August 2010 to August 2011
  • Original research for development as Honors Theses - Academic Year 2011-2012
  • Submission of theses to academic journals 
  • Overhaul and combination of theses into book proposal for general audience.



  • Accumulate



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